Object 'rusty sword curved scimitar' is type weapon, extra flags none. Weight is 6, value is 370, level is 3. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 2d3 (average 4). **Boney skeleton in Chapel** [OBJECT: longsword elven sword long] [TYPE: weapon] [FLAGS: magic] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 670] [LEVEL: 7] [CONDITION: excellent] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 3d3 (average 6). Affects hit roll by 1. **Elven sentry in Valley of the Elves** Object 'rusted shortsword' is type weapon, extra flags none. Weight is 0, value is 422, level is 7. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 2d4 (average 5). Object 'templar templars sword wooden' is type weapon, extra flags bless. Weight is 6, value is 830, level is 10. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 2d11 (average 12). Affects hit roll by 1. **Templar in Catacombs** Object 'blade black demon' is type weapon, extra flags magic anti-good. Weight is 1, value is 640, level is 11. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 3d5 (average 9). Weapons flags: vampiric **Troll in Moria** Object 'sword short' is type weapon, extra flags none. Weight is 4, value is 720, level is 12. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 2d8 (average 9). Affects hit roll by -1. Object 'stubby short sword' is type weapon, extra flags none. Weight is 4, value is 1000, level is 12. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 2d8 (average 9). Affects hit roll by 1. **Wererat in Sewers** Object 'scimitar' is type weapon, extra flags none. Weight is 10, value is 740, level is 13. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 2d8 (average 9). **Some guards in New Thalos** [OBJECT: a rusted shortsword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 10] [VALUE: 422] [LEVEL: 14] [CONDITION: excellent] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 3d7 (average 12). **Foot soldier in Ruined Castle** Object 'broadsword steel sword' is type weapon, extra flags glow magic. Weight is 6, value is 1510, level is 15. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 5d4 (average 12). Affects hit roll by 1. Affects damage roll by 1. **Minotaur captain and elite gargoyles in Wyvern's Tower** Object 'sword electrum' is type weapon, extra flags glow magic. Weight is 20, value is 900, level is 15. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 2d10 (average 11). Affects hit roll by 1. **Gnome chief in Gnome Village** Object 'rapier thin' is type weapon, extra flags hum. Weight is 2, value is 3500, level is 16. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 5d2 (average 7). Affects hit roll by 4. **X-ist flesh eater and Snapper Joe in Chapel** [OBJECT: a kopesh sword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 13] [VALUE: 1310] [LEVEL: 17] [CONDITION: excellent] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 5d3 (average 10). **Minotaur citizen in Mahn-Tor** Object 'sword ancient long' is type weapon, extra flags hum magic. Weight is 2, value is 1160, level is 19. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 2d13 (average 14). Affects armor class by 2. Affects damage roll by 2. Affects hit roll by 2. **Spectre in Wyvern's Tower** Object 'drow shortsword' is type weapon, extra flags none. Weight is 1, value is 1160, level is 19. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 2d13 (average 14). Affects hit roll by 2. **Drow guard in Aldocar** Object 'claymore sword' is type weapon, extra flags magic. Weight is 2, value is 1160, level is 19. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 4d6 (average 14). Weapons flags: two-handed Affects damage roll by 5. Affects hit roll by -5. **Ofcol cityguard in New Ofcol** Object 'cutlass' is type weapon, extra flags anti-neutral. Weight is 5, value is 1140, level is 20. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 4d7 (average 16). **Warrior in Sands of Sorrow** Object 'noble's sword' is type weapon, extra flags anti-good. Weight is 2, value is 1480, level is 25. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 3d12 (average 19). Weapons flags: two-handed **Noble in Aldocar** Object 'sword lightning bolt' is type weapon, extra flags glow hum. Weight is 6, value is 1100, level is 25. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 5d6 (average 17). Weapons flags: shocking Affects hit roll by -1. Affects damage roll by 2. **Lightning Ruler in Elemental Canyon** Object 'astral long sword' is type weapon, extra flags glow hum. Weight is 4, value is 1600, level is 25. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 3d12 (average 19). Affects damroll by 2. **Astral soldier in Astral Plane** [OBJECT: a fire-blackened claymore] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 4] [VALUE: 1140] [LEVEL: 25] [CONDITION: very good] [FLAGS: glow hum magic burnproof] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 6d5 (average 18). Weapons flags: twohands Affects damroll by 10. Affects hitroll by 4. **Burnt corpse of cityguard in New Ofcol** Object 'two-handed sword' is type weapon, extra flags magic anti-evil. Weight is 24, value is 3300, level is 26. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 3d13 (average 21). Weapons flags: two-handed Affects dexterity by -2. Affects damage roll by 2. Affects hit roll by 1. **Golem in Thalos and Old Thalos** Object 'nightbringer short sword shortsword' is type weapon, extra flags dark magic anti-good anti-neutral. Weight is 9, value is 3500, level is 27. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 5d4 (average 12). Affects hit roll by 3. Affects damage roll by 3. **Darkoth in Mahn-Tor** [OBJECT: flaming black sword long longsword] [TYPE: weapon] [FLAGS: magic] [WEIGHT: 2] [VALUE: 0] [LEVEL: 28] [CONDITION: excellent] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 3d13 (average 21). Weapons flags: flaming vampiric **Guardian vampire in Chapel** [OBJECT: an earthen sword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 15] [VALUE: 0] [LEVEL: 30] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: hum magic antievil nonmetal burnproof] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 4d10 (average 22). **Druid Veteran in Land of Druid** Object 'avenger holy sword' is type weapon, extra flags hum magic anti-evil anti-neutral. Weight is 3, value is 1780, level is 32. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 4d11 (average 24). Weapons flags: vorpal Affects hit roll by 1. Affects damage roll by 1. **Diana in New Ofcol** [OBJECT: a two-handed silvery sword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 1940] [LEVEL: 35] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow magic] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 4d12 (average 26). Weapons flags: twohands Affects damroll by 2. **Githyanki warlock in Astral Plane** Object 'crimson sword' is type weapon, extra flags glow evil magic anti-good burn_proof. Weight is 8, value is 1940, level is 35. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 4d12 (average 26). Weapons flags: flaming **Shadow of Lord Cealantearo in Tomb of the Ancient** Object 'scimitar golden' is type weapon, extra flags glow. Weight is 8, value is 0, level is 35. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 5d7 (average 20). Affects hp by 15. Affects wisdom by 1. Affects intelligence by 1. **Draconian bodyguard in Dragon Tower** [OBJECT: a heavy bronze sword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 13] [VALUE: 2100] [LEVEL: 38] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: antievil] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 4d13 (average 28). Weapons flags: twohands Affects dexterity by -1. Affects hitroll by 1. Affects damroll by 3. Affects constitution by -1. **Warrior in training in Village of Wegliks** [OBJECT: an extremely sharp and thin sword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 4] [VALUE: 2220] [LEVEL: 40] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 5d11 (average 30). Weapons flags: sharp Affects dexterity by 2. Affects hitroll by 1. **Githyanki guardian in Astral Plane** Object 'holy longsword' is type weapon, extra flags bless anti-evil anti-neutral. Weight is 4, value is 2180, level is 40. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 5d11 (average 30). Affects constitution by 2. Affects strength by 2. **Knight in Baeon's Tower** [OBJECT: a thin two-handed sword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 4] [VALUE: 2220] [LEVEL: 42] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 5d11 (average 30). Weapons flags: twohands Affects damroll by 2. Affects hitroll by 1. **Githyanki protector in Astral** Object 'sword crystal blade' is type weapon, extra flags glow hum anti-good. Weight is 7, value is 2380, level is 44. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 5d12 (average 32). Weapons flags: frost **Crystal statue in Land of Incantation** [OBJECT: the unholy sword of tornados] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 2400] [LEVEL: 45] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow hum antigood antineutral] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 6d12 (average 32). Weapons flags: sharp vorpal **Evil druid elder gives you for runes in Land of the Druid** [OBJECT: the unholy sword of tsunamis] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 8] [VALUE: 2400] [LEVEL: 45] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow hum antigood antineutral] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 6d12 (average 32). Weapons flags: frost poison **Evil druid elder gives you for runes in Land of the Druid** [OBJECT: the unholy sword of decay] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 8] [VALUE: 2400] [LEVEL: 45] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow hum antigood antineutral] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 6d12 (average 32). Weapons flags: vampiric poison **Evil druid elder gives you for runes in Land of the Druid** [OBJECT: the unholy sword of fire] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 8] [VALUE: 2400] [LEVEL: 45] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow hum antigood antineutral] Weapon type is exotic. Damage is 6d12 (average 32). Weapons flags: flaming sharp **Evil druid elder gives you for runes in Land of the Druid** [OBJECT: a frosted sword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 20] [VALUE: 2400] [LEVEL: 45] [CONDITION: excellent] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 5d12 (average 32). Weapons flags: frost Affects hitroll by -1. Affects damroll by 2. **Palace guard in Ice Palace** [OBJECT: a rusty cutlass] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 7] [VALUE: 2560] [LEVEL: 47] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: burnproof] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 5d13 (average 35). **Some sailors in Dragon Sea Ships** [OBJECT: a desert scimitar] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 15] [VALUE: 1693] [LEVEL: 49] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow nodrop antigood antievil] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 6d13 (average 42). Weapons flags: osmosis Affects damroll by 3. **Guardian jinn in Realm of Djinnin** Object 'iron broad sword' is type weapon, extra flags none. Weight is 10, value is 2800, level is 50. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 6d11 (average 36). Weapons flags: two-handed **Post Guard in Arcadia** Object 'sword kas' is type weapon, extra flags hum magic noremove. Weight is 5, value is 2620, level is 50. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 6d11 (average 36). **A Cambion Scout in Ghost Town** [OBJECT: a white sword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 5] [VALUE: 2620] [LEVEL: 50] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic antievil antineutral] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 6d11 (average 36). Weapons flags: vampiric twohands **Grand paladin in Baeon's Tower** [OBJECT: the unholy sword of the githyanki] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 25] [VALUE: 2640] [LEVEL: 51] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: evil magic nodrop noremove] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 4d17 (average 36). Weapons flags: flaming twohands Affects damroll by 3. Affects hitroll by 4. Affects wisdom by -1. Affects intelligence by -1. Affects strength by 1. **Lord Gith in Astral Planes** [OBJECT: a black-handled great sword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 5] [VALUE: 2860] [LEVEL: 55] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic bless] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 7d10 (average 38). Weapons flags: twohands Affects hitroll by -1. Affects damroll by 1. **Skeletal commander in Cemetary of Winter Past** [OBJECT: an etched platinum longsword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 9] [VALUE: 3200] [LEVEL: 55] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic bless] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 6d13 (average 42). Weapons flags: flaming Affects damroll by 3. Affects constitution by -3. Affects hitroll by 4. **Commander in elven fortress in Land of Incantation** Object 'darkslayer dark slayer' is type weapon, extra flags glow hum dark evil. Weight is 5, value is 0, level is 55. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 6d12 (average 39). Weapons flags: shocking Affects strength by 1. Affects hp by 20. **Kraagar in Kaladar** [OBJECT: an enameled longsword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 8] [VALUE: 3400] [LEVEL: 55] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 7d10 (average 38). Weapons flags: sharp Affects damroll by 2. **Post guard commander in Arcadia** [OBJECT: a hand-and-a-half sword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 3080] [LEVEL: 59] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow magic nodrop] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 6d13 (average 42). Weapons flags: flaming vorpal Affects damroll by 2. **Protector in Midgaard** [OBJECT: OrcSlayer] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 24] [VALUE: 3220] [LEVEL: 60] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: hum magic antineutral] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 7d12 (average 45). Weapons flags: shocking Affects dexterity by 3. **Elautram in Canopy Forest** [OBJECT: a steel longsword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 8] [VALUE: 3480] [LEVEL: 65] [CONDITION: excellent] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 10d9 (average 50). Weapons flags: sharp Affects strength by 1. Affects damroll by 1. Affects hitroll by 2. **Claymont guard in Claymont** [OBJECT: a steel broadsword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 9] [VALUE: 2200] [LEVEL: 65] [CONDITION: excellent] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 7d13 (average 49). **Revelton guard in Revelton** Object 'ice sword' is type weapon, extra flags glow magic. Weight is 6, value is 0, level is 68. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 7d13 (average 49). Weapons flags: frost Affects strength by 1. Affects damage roll by 2. Object 'gold hilted shortsword' is type weapon, extra flags magic bless. Weight is 7, value is 3000, level is 69. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 7d14 (average 52). Weapons flags: shocking Affects damage roll by 3. **Knight in Revelton** [OBJECT: a cold iron shortsword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 8] [VALUE: 3680] [LEVEL: 70] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: hum] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 8d12 (average 52). Weapons flags: frost sharp Affects dexterity by 2. Affects hitroll by 3. **Bandit guard in Bandit's Lair** [OBJECT: a slayer sword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 8] [VALUE: 4400] [LEVEL: 71] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: bless no_locate] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 8d12 (average 52). Weapons flags: sharp Affects damroll by 3. **Siri the treasure hunter in Labirynth** [OBJECT: Sword of Shadows] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 16] [VALUE: 3680] [LEVEL: 70] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: invis magic antievil no_locate burnproof] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 8d12 (average 52). Weapons flags: vampiric osmosis Affects saves by -2. **Angel in Baeon's Cathedral** [OBJECT: the sword of Gremlak] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 4] [VALUE: 3960] [LEVEL: 75] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 6d18 (average 57). Weapons flags: flaming sharp Affects damroll by 3. Affects hitroll by 1. **Gremlak in Averni Forest** [OBJECT: a platinum sword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 10] [VALUE: 4140] [LEVEL: 80] [CONDITION: excellent] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 9d12 (average 58). Affects dexterity by 2. **Talanthas in Temple of Kyre** [OBJECT: a platinum longsword] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 5] [VALUE: 4140] [LEVEL: 80] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow hum] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 7d16 (average 59). Weapons flags: sharp vorpal Affects strength by 2. Affects hitroll by 1. Affects damroll by 2. **Claymont officer in Claymont** Object 'longsword thin scarweaver' is type weapon, extra flags magic anti-good. Weight is 9, value is 4600, level is 90. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 10d12 (average 65). Weapons flags: sharp Affects dexterity by 3. Affects hit roll by 6. **Statue of Tal'non Scarweaver in Temple of Villains** [OBJECT: a silver blade] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 25] [VALUE: 5060] [LEVEL: 100] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: antievil antineutral noremove burnproof] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 11d12 (average 71). Weapons flags: sharp Affects move by 25. Affects damroll by 3. **Sithrang in Sithrang's Lair** [OBJECT: a massive steel claymore] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 30] [VALUE: 6000] [LEVEL: 100] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow hum antigood antineutral burnproof] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 12d11 (average 72). Weapons flags: vorpal Affects strength by 1. Affects damroll by 5. Affects hitroll by 3. **Smash Mountain** Object 'sword Shadowburner' is type weapon, extra flags bless anti-evil anti-neutral. Weight is 10, value is 5220, level is 101. Weapon type is sword. Damage is 10d14 (average 75). Weapons flags: shocking Affects hp by 25. Affects hit roll by -1. Affects mana by 25. Affects damage roll by 3. Affects strength by 2. Affects dexterity by -4. [OBJECT: militedes wrath] [TYPE: weapon] [FLAGS: hum bless anti-evil anti-neutral] [WEIGHT: 10] [VALUE: 5340] [LEVEL: 110] [CONDITION: excellent] Weapon type is sword. Damage is 11d13 (average 77). Weapons flags: vorpal two-handed Affects damage roll by 12. **Militedes in Midgaard**