Object 'staff iron iron-shod' is type weapon, extra flags none. Weight is 6, value is 630, level is 10. Weapon type is spear/staff. Damage is 2d5 (average 6). Weapons flags: two-handed Affects armor class by -2. Object 'quarterstaff staff two-handed' is type weapon, extra flags magic. Weight is 5, value is 310, level is 14. Weapon type is spear/staff. Damage is 3d5 (average 9). Weapons flags: two-handed Affects damage roll by 1. **Elven elder in Velley of the Elves** [OBJECT: a Druidic staff] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 1460] [LEVEL: 24] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic antievil nonmetal burnproof] Weapon type is spear. Damage is 3d12 (average 19). Weapons flags: osmosis Affects hitroll by 1. **Druid in Druidic Pathway** [OBJECT: a long, twisted branch] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 1211] [LEVEL: 39] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: dark antigood] Weapon type is staff. Damage is 3d18 (average 28). Weapons flags: twohands Affects savingspell by -2. Affects damroll by -1. **In Augdrsil** [OBJECT: The staff of the serpent] [TYPE: weapon] [WEIGHT: 10] [VALUE: 4820] [LEVEL: 90] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic burnproof] Weapon type is spear. Damage is 10d13 (average 70). Weapons flags: twohands Affects damroll by 2. **Archmage in Temple of Kyre**