[OBJECT: a black wand] [TYPE: wand] [WEIGHT: 1] [VALUE: 1433] [LEVEL: 0] [CONDITION: excellent] Has 1 charges of level 30 'curse'. Object 'wand' is type wand, extra flags none. Weight is 2, value is 540, level is 3. Has 1 charges of level 5 'burning hands'. Object 'rod earthquake' is type wand, extra flags glow. Weight is 7, value is 1000, level is 3. Has 3 charges of level 7 'earthquake'. **Some small elementals in Elemental Canyon** [OBJECT: wand air wind] [TYPE: wand] [FLAGS: glow] [WEIGHT: 7] [VALUE: 2650] [LEVEL: 4] [CONDITION: excellent] Has 1 charges of level 11 'gas breath'. **Some small elementals in Elemental Canyon** Object 'wand' is type wand, extra flags glow. Weight is 7, value is 1420, level is 7. Has 1 charges of level 9 'lightning bolt'. **Some small elementals in Elemental Canyon** Object 'staff ice' is type wand, extra flags glow. Weight is 7, value is 2300, level is 8. Has 3 charges of level 12 'frost breath'. **Puddle in Elemental Canyon** Object 'mirror' is type wand, extra flags glow magic. Weight is 1, value is 1910, level is 8. Has 10 charges of level 20 'blindness'. **Doll in Gangland** [OBJECT: rod black] [TYPE: wand] [FLAGS: none] [WEIGHT: 4] [VALUE: 850] [LEVEL: 11] [CONDITION: excellent] Has 3 charges of level 20 'dispel evil'. [OBJECT: a whale tooth wand] [TYPE: wand] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 2500] [LEVEL: 11] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow hum nonmetal] Has 3 charges of level 11 'refresh'. **Magic shop in Redelof** Object 'prism wand' is type wand, extra flags glow magic. Weight is 4, value is 2200, level is 12. Has 9 charges of level 11 'colour spray'. **Prism Dragon in Catacombs** Object 'wand light' is type wand, extra flags glow magic nodrop. Weight is 0, value is 0, level is 12. Has 1 charges of level 20 'ray of truth'. **Wizard in Ruined Castle** Object 'spray paint can' is type wand, extra flags hum. Weight is 1, value is 2200, level is 12. Has 2 charges of level 11 'colour spray'. **Punk in Gangland** [OBJECT: lode lodestone stone rock] [TYPE: wand] [FLAGS: none] [WEIGHT: 2] [VALUE: 1900] [LEVEL: 13] [CONDITION: excellent] Has 2 charges of level 19 'harm'. Affects strength by -2. **Some small elementals in Elemental Canyon** Object 'branch willow' is type wand, extra flags magic. Weight is 3, value is 2600, level is 13. Has 5 charges of level 20 'heat metal'. **Willow in Mahn-Tor** [OBJECT: a silvery blue wand] [TYPE: wand] [WEIGHT: 10] [VALUE: 1550] [LEVEL: 24] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic] Has 3 charges of level 24 'lightning bolt'. Object 'gold flute' is type wand, extra flags none. Weight is 7, value is 2100, level is 27. Has 2 charges of level 25 'sleep'. **Bard in Quarterstaff** [OBJECT: a rod of jacinth] [TYPE: wand] [WEIGHT: 2] [VALUE: 1940] [LEVEL: 28] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow] Has 5 charges of level 25 'energy drain'. **Can be bought from Salimah in New Thalos** [OBJECT: a white wand] [TYPE: wand] [WEIGHT: 10] [VALUE: 7500] [LEVEL: 30] [CONDITION: excellent] Has 2 charges of level 30 'heal'. [OBJECT: a black wand] [TYPE: wand] [WEIGHT: 1] [VALUE: 1380] [LEVEL: 30] [CONDITION: excellent] Has 1 charges of level 30 'curse'. **STEEL Clan Hall** [OBJECT: a drum stick] [TYPE: wand] [WEIGHT: 10] [VALUE: 4000] [LEVEL: 31] [CONDITION: excellent] Has 2 charges of level 41 'divine heal'. **Drumming villager in Village of Wegliks** [OBJECT: a jagged boar's tusk] [TYPE: wand] [WEIGHT: 0] [VALUE: 1210] [LEVEL: 40] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: antievil antineutral] Has 5 charges of level 40 'frenzy'. **Can be bought in LIGHT clan hall** [OBJECT: glowing wand] [TYPE: wand] [FLAGS: anti-evil] [WEIGHT: 2] [VALUE: 0] [LEVEL: 40] [CONDITION: excellent] Has 3 charges of level 40 'ray of truth'. [OBJECT: a spyglass] [TYPE: wand] [WEIGHT: 7] [VALUE: 1300] [LEVEL: 40] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow burnproof] Has 3 charges of level 30 'farsight'. **Dragon Sea Ships** [OBJECT: a slender desert reed] [TYPE: wand] [WEIGHT: 2] [VALUE: 2495] [LEVEL: 68] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow magic antigood antievil] Has 3 charges of level 48 'dispel magic'. Object 'wand golden' is type wand, extra flags glow magic. Weight is 5, value is 5500, level is 55. Has 8 charges of level 30 'acid blast'. **Hydra in Dragon Tower** [OBJECT: a ball of twine] [TYPE: wand] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 4000] [LEVEL: 65] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic] Has 4 charges of level 60 'word of recall'. **Siri the treasure hunter in Labirynth** Object 'snowball' is type wand, extra flags glow dark evil. Weight is 1, value is 500, level is 65. Has 2 charges of level 65 'frost breath'. [OBJECT: a slender desert reed] [TYPE: wand] [WEIGHT: 2] [VALUE: 0] [LEVEL: 68] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow magic antigood antievil] Has 3 charges of level 48 'dispel magic'. [OBJECT: a serpent staff] [TYPE: wand] [WEIGHT: 1] [VALUE: 2000] [LEVEL: 70] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic] Has 1 charges of level 70 'enchant weapon'. **Dark mage in Temple of Kyre**