Object 'lava lamp' is type light, extra flags glow. Weight is 4, value is 250, level is 0. **Lava Beast in Elemental Canyon** Object 'ball quartz' is type light, extra flags magic. Weight is 3, value is 50, level is 0. Affects saves by -1. [OBJECT: rainbow staff] [TYPE: light] [FLAGS: magic] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 550] [LEVEL: 5] [CONDITION: excellent] Affects wisdom by 1. Affects intelligence by 1. **Wizard in Shire** Object 'banner war merc' is type light, extra flags glow magic. Weight is 1, value is 640, level is 8. Affects armor class by -2. Affects saves by -1. **Gaoler in Midgaard** [OBJECT: some graybeard] [TYPE: light] [WEIGHT: 1] [VALUE: 50] [LEVEL: 10] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow] Affects savingbreath by -1. **Augdrsil in Augdrsil** Object 'tattered flag' is type light, extra flags magic. Weight is 0, value is 0, level is 14. Affects intelligence by 1. Affects wisdom by 1. **In the watchtower of Ruined Castle** [OBJECT: some phosphorescent algae] [TYPE: light] [WEIGHT: 1] [VALUE: 0] [LEVEL: 15] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow] Affects intelligence by 2. **Lies in the cave east of cyclops in Elemental Canyon** [OBJECT: a smooth candle] [TYPE: light] [WEIGHT: 0] [VALUE: 908] [LEVEL: 20] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: nonmetal] Affects dexterity by 1. [OBJECT: the Rod of Neutrality] [TYPE: light] [WEIGHT: 1] [VALUE: 1150] [LEVEL: 20] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic antigood antievil] Affects damroll by 2. **Talemon in Valley of the Elves** Object 'ball fire' is type light, extra flags glow magic. Weight is 10, value is 720, level is 20. Affects moves by 20. Affects hp by 10. [OBJECT: a brightly flaming stone] [TYPE: light] [WEIGHT: 1] [VALUE: 1440] [LEVEL: 20] [CONDITION: excellent] Affects saves by -2. Affects ac by -2. **Enslaved red dragon in Astral** [OBJECT: a flaming log] [TYPE: light] [WEIGHT: 7] [VALUE: 500] [LEVEL: 25] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow magic] Affects wisdom by 1. Affects intelligence by 2. **Lies in the Fire in the Lighthouse in Redelof** [OBJECT: a large candle] [TYPE: light] [WEIGHT: 0] [VALUE: 2088] [LEVEL: 30] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: nonmetal] Affects dexterity by 2. [OBJECT: a faerie] [TYPE: light] [WEIGHT: 1] [VALUE: 0] [LEVEL: 30] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow magic] Affects saves by -1. Affects mana by 10. Affects ac by -3. **Bullfrog in Druidic Pathway** [OBJECT: light magenta orb] [TYPE: light] [FLAGS: glow magic] [WEIGHT: 5] [VALUE: 1200] [LEVEL: 38] [CONDITION: excellent] Affects hp by 30. Affects wisdom by 1. [OBJECT: a dark maroon orb] [TYPE: light] [WEIGHT: 7] [VALUE: 1200] [LEVEL: 38] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow magic] Affects damroll by 3. **White-robed mage in Land of Incantation** [OBJECT: cerulean light globe] [TYPE: light] [FLAGS: glow magic] [WEIGHT: 5] [VALUE: 1200] [LEVEL: 38] [CONDITION: excellent] Affects hit roll by 1. Affects mana by 30. [OBJECT: the Chalice of Power] [TYPE: light] [WEIGHT: 1] [VALUE: 1000] [LEVEL: 40] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow hum magic nonmetal no_locate] Affects intelligence by 4. **Shadow of King Draakaryn - Tomb of Ancients** Object 'Baeon banner' is type light, extra flags magic anti-evil anti-neutral. Weight is 2, value is 3000, level is 50. Affects hit roll by 5. **Grand paladin in Baeon's Tower** [OBJECT: a holy Symbol] [TYPE: light] [WEIGHT: 0] [VALUE: 0] [LEVEL: 50] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow antievil] Affects hitroll by -6. Affects damroll by 3. Affects hp by 50. Affects constitution by 3. **Xantharus in Ghost Town** Object 'unholy symbol' is type light, extra flags glow evil anti-good. Weight is 0, value is 0, level is 50. Affects damage roll by -5. Affects mana by 50. Affects hp by 50. **A Cambion Scout in Ghost Town** [OBJECT: golden candle] [TYPE: light] [FLAGS: none] [WEIGHT: 5] [VALUE: 0] [LEVEL: 60] [CONDITION: excellent] Affects mana by 20. Affects hp by 35. Object 'oil lamp' is type light, extra flags glow anti-evil anti-neutral. Weight is 2, value is 0, level is 65. Affects saves by -3. Affects armor class by -3. **Scribe in Baeon's Cathedral** Object 'diamond radiating' is type light, extra flags glow hum magic burn_proof. Weight is 0, value is 0, level is 70. Affects save vs breath by -3. Affects armor class by -5. Affects saves by -3. [OBJECT: an ice scepter] [TYPE: light] [WEIGHT: 10] [VALUE: 4300] [LEVEL: 70] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow magic antigood antineutral] Affects damroll by 3. Affects constitution by 2. Affects hp by 25. **Ice Queen in Ice Caverns** [OBJECT: a titan sphere] [TYPE: light] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 4000] [LEVEL: 70] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow magic] Affects damroll by 5. **Wizened old man in Revelton** Object 'ray agony' is type light, extra flags glow magic anti-good. Weight is 13, value is 3180, level is 95. Affects damage roll by 6. **Statue of Inclanae in Temple of Villains**