Object 'stone lavender green' is type gem, extra flags magic. Weight is 1, value is 150, level is 0. Armor class is 0 pierce, 0 bash, 0 slash, and 0 vs. magic. Affects saves by -1. **Lamias and golems in Thalos and Old Thalos** Object 'stone clear' is type gem, extra flags magic. Weight is 1, value is 100, level is 0. Armor class is 0 pierce, 0 bash, 0 slash, and 0 vs. magic. Affects armor class by 3. **Lamias and golems in Thalos and Old Thalos** Object 'green crystal orb' is type gem, extra flags glow magic. Weight is 1, value is 550, level is 1. Armor class is 0 pierce, 0 bash, 0 slash, and 0 vs. magic. Affects damage roll by 1. Affects hit roll by 1. Affects wisdom by 1. Affects constitution by 1. Affects intelligence by 1. **Blob in MUD School** Object 'stone pale blue' is type gem, extra flags magic. Weight is 1, value is 550, level is 5. Armor class is 0 pierce, 0 bash, 0 slash, and 0 vs. magic. Affects strength by 1. **Lamia in Thalos** Object 'stone pearly white' is type gem, extra flags magic. Weight is 1, value is 11, level is 5. Armor class is 0 pierce, 0 bash, 0 slash, and 0 vs. magic. Affects hp by 10. **Lamia in Thalos and golem in Old Thalos** [OBJECT: stone book chants petrified] [TYPE: gem] [FLAGS: hum magic] [WEIGHT: 4] [VALUE: 650] [LEVEL: 31] [CONDITION: excellent] Affects hp by 10. Affects hit roll by 2. Object 'colourful butterfly' is type jewelry, extra flags none. Weight is 2, value is 2480, level is 53. Affects constitution by 2. Affects wisdom by 1. Affects damage roll by 2. **Gitzurgomp in Baeon's Cathedral** Object 'orb fiery light' is type armor, extra flags glow hum bless. Weight is 3, value is 0, level is 60. Armor class is 15 pierce, 11 bash, 11 slash, and 10 vs. magic. Affects intelligence by 2. Affects hp by 15. [OBJECT: a glowing emerald] [TYPE: gem] [WEIGHT: 5] [VALUE: 2100] [LEVEL: 72] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow magic] Affects hitroll by 4. Affects damroll by 3. **Master Manilin in Revelton** [OBJECT: a grinning crystal skull] [TYPE: gem] [WEIGHT: 8] [VALUE: 2600] [LEVEL: 80] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: hum magic antigood] Affects hitroll by 4. Affects ac by -4. **Statue of Mythos in Temple of Villains** Object 'sphere amber' is type trash, extra flags glow. Weight is 0, value is 1, level is 99. Affects hp by 75. Affects saves by -4. **Sithrang in Sithrang's Lair** [OBJECT: the eyes of Tiamat] [TYPE: treasure] [WEIGHT: 0] [VALUE: 25000] [LEVEL: 100] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow magic burnproof] Affects hitroll by 5. Affects damroll by 5. Affects hp by 25. Affects mana by 25. **Tiamat in Dragon's Tower**