Object 'boots pair worn leather' is type armor, extra flags none. Weight is 3, value is 72, level is 0. Armor class is 1 pierce, 2 bash, 2 slash, and 0 vs. magic. Affects constitution by 1. Affects wisdom by 1. Affects intelligence by 1. **MUD School** Object 'spiked heel boots' is type armor, extra flags none. Weight is 4, value is 260, level is 5. Armor class is 4 pierce, 3 bash, 4 slash, and 1 vs. magic. Affects damage roll by 1. Affects dexterity by -1. **Doll in Gangland** [OBJECT: elven boots] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 390] [LEVEL: 7] [CONDITION: excellent] Armor class is 4 pierce, 4 bash, 3 slash, and 0 vs. magic. Affects move by 5. **Valley Elf in Valley of the Elves** [OBJECT: plate boots] [TYPE: armor] [FLAGS: none] [WEIGHT: 5] [VALUE: 500] [LEVEL: 10] [CONDITION: excellent] Armor class is 5 pierce, 6 bash, 5 slash, and 1 vs. magic. Object 'leather boots' is type armor, extra flags anti-good. Weight is 3, value is 900, level is 10. Armor class is 3 pierce, 3 bash, 2 slash, and 2 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by 1. Object 'boots old' is type armor, extra flags magic. Weight is 2, value is 0, level is 10. Armor class is 2 pierce, 1 bash, 2 slash, and 2 vs. magic. Affects moves by 15. **Lie in the room near a room with the Grand Mistress in High Tower** [OBJECT: rusty iron boots] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 12] [VALUE: 200] [LEVEL: 10] [CONDITION: excellent] Armor class is 4 pierce, 2 bash, 2 slash, and 4 vs. magic. Affects move by 20. Affects dexterity by -1. **Redcap in Sanctuary of Terror** [OBJECT: a pair of reinforced boots] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 1] [VALUE: 400] [LEVEL: 13] [CONDITION: excellent] Armor class is 4 pierce, 6 bash, 4 slash, and 0 vs. magic. **Goblin in The Miden'Nir** Object 'boots golden dragonscale' is type armor, extra flags magic anti-evil. Weight is 5, value is 2800, level is 21. Armor class is 8 pierce, 8 bash, 7 slash, and 4 vs. magic. Affects hit roll by 1. Affects armor class by -2. **Dragonlord in New Ofcol** [OBJECT: some furry slippers] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 0] [VALUE: 420] [LEVEL: 21] [CONDITION: excellent] Armor class is 7 pierce, 5 bash, 6 slash, and 3 vs. magic. Affects ac by -6. **Little Weglik girl in Village of Wegliks** Object 'boots silver' is type armor, extra flags magic anti-evil. Weight is 7, value is 2900, level is 25. Armor class is 8 pierce, 7 bash, 9 slash, and 3 vs. magic. Affects mana by 5. Affects wisdom by 1. **Jacklyn and Derrick in New Ofcol** Object 'boots mithril' is type armor, extra flags magic anti-evil. Weight is 2, value is 800, level is 25. Armor class is 9 pierce, 8 bash, 10 slash, and 3 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by 1. Affects hit roll by 1. **Stone golem in Thalos** Object 'boots wind' is type armor, extra flags magic. Weight is 1, value is 1300, level is 26. Armor class is 7 pierce, 7 bash, 7 slash, and 6 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by 2. Affects moves by 25. **Air elemental ruler in Elemental Canyon** [OBJECT: vomit-covered boots] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 6] [VALUE: 1650] [LEVEL: 26] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: antievil] Armor class is 9 pierce, 7 bash, 7 slash, and 9 vs. magic. Affects hp by 20. **Drunken Villager in Village of Wegliks** [OBJECT: a pair of a red dragon's rear claws] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 40] [VALUE: 3700] [LEVEL: 29] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic antigood] Armor class is 10 pierce, 10 bash, 8 slash, and 4 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by -1. Affects damroll by 2. **Red Dragon in Sewers** Object 'boots striding' is type armor, extra flags magic. Weight is 5, value is 0, level is 30. Armor class is 4 pierce, 6 bash, 4 slash, and 0 vs. magic. Affects moves by 30. **Nasturn in Mahn-Tor** Object 'boots platinum' is type armor, extra flags magic anti-evil. Weight is 3, value is 1000, level is 32. Armor class is 12 pierce, 13 bash, 13 slash, and 5 vs. magic. Affects hp by 10. Affects moves by 25. **Diana in New Ofcol** [OBJECT: a pair of royal boots] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 1000] [LEVEL: 32] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow magic bless] Armor class is 12 pierce, 12 bash, 12 slash, and 4 vs. magic. Affects move by 30. Affects hitroll by 3. **Shadow of King Irian - Tomb of Ancients** [OBJECT: chain mail chausses] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 2] [VALUE: 700] [LEVEL: 35] [CONDITION: excellent] Armor class is 10 pierce, 11 bash, 10 slash, and 1 vs. magic. Affects strength by 2. Affects damroll by 1. **Knight in Midgaard** Object 'bone carved boots' is type armor, extra flags anti-good. Weight is 7, value is 1100, level is 35. Armor class is 7 pierce, 10 bash, 10 slash, and 5 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by 2. Affects hit roll by 4. **Bone golem in Land of Incantation** Object 'sandals stone marble' is type armor, extra flags noremove nonmetal. Weight is 7, value is 1300, level is 40. Armor class is 10 pierce, 13 bash, 14 slash, and 6 vs. magic. Affects damroll by 2. Affects wisdom by 2. **Elder monk in Land of Incantation** [OBJECT: some frost covered boots] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 5] [VALUE: 1322] [LEVEL: 44] [CONDITION: excellent] Armor class is 15 pierce, 13 bash, 13 slash, and 3 vs. magic. Affects hp by -20. Affects dexterity by 5. **Palace guard in Ice Palace** [OBJECT: warm woolen boots] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 7] [VALUE: 1200] [LEVEL: 45] [CONDITION: excellent] Armor class is 14 pierce, 12 bash, 12 slash, and 5 vs. magic. Affects move by 15. **Lies in the chest in Ice Palace** [OBJECT: a pair of adventurers boots] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 5] [VALUE: 731] [LEVEL: 45] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic] Armor class is 11 pierce, 14 bash, 11 slash, and 4 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by 1. **Armor shop in Arcadia** [OBJECT: a pair of water-proof boots] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 4] [VALUE: 900] [LEVEL: 45] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: nonmetal] Armor class is 15 pierce, 11 bash, 12 slash, and 2 vs. magic. Affects move by 1. Affects ac by 1. Affects dexterity by 3. **Olaf Redelof in Redelof** [OBJECT: a pair of white boots] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 5] [VALUE: 1600] [LEVEL: 50] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic antievil antineutral] Armor class is 17 pierce, 14 bash, 15 slash, and 4 vs. magic. Affects damroll by 2. Affects hitroll by 3. **Grand paladin in Baeon's Tower** [OBJECT: a pair of soft leather boots] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 7] [VALUE: 2600] [LEVEL: 50] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic] Armor class is 16 pierce, 19 bash, 15 slash, and 11 vs. magic. Affects saves by -1. Affects hitroll by 4. **Commander in Land of Incantation (Elven Fortress)** [OBJECT: Boots of Speed] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 5] [VALUE: 1600] [LEVEL: 50] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow hum magic] Armor class is 16 pierce, 15 bash, 16 slash, and 4 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by 3. Affects move by 20. **Jubilex in Abyss** [OBJECT: leather sandals] [TYPE: armor] [FLAGS: anti-evil burn_proof] [WEIGHT: 5] [VALUE: 1120] [LEVEL: 56] [CONDITION: excellent] Armor class is 15 pierce, 16 bash, 18 slash, and 3 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by 2. Affects moves by 35. [OBJECT: a pair of curly-toed silk slippers] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 1] [VALUE: 1935] [LEVEL: 60] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: burnproof] Armor class is 14 pierce, 19 bash, 13 slash, and 3 vs. magic. Affects ac by -1. Affects move by 25. Affects dexterity by 3. **Greater Djinni in Realm of Djinnin** [OBJECT: soft boots of cemetery thieves] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 6] [VALUE: 2000] [LEVEL: 62] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic burnproof] Armor class is 20 pierce, 17 bash, 17 slash, and 6 vs. magic. Affects hitroll by 3. Affects strength by -2. Affects dexterity by 2. Affects move by 20. **Grave spectre in Cemetery of Winter Past** Object 'simple leather boots' is type armor, extra flags burn_proof. Weight is 12, value is 1280, level is 64. Armor class is 14 pierce, 20 bash, 17 slash, and 8 vs. magic. Affects hp by 20. Affects dexterity by -2. Affects damage roll by 2. Affects strength by 2. **Gnibis in Baeon's Cathedral** [OBJECT: a pair of polished steel boots] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 7] [VALUE: 2400] [LEVEL: 72] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic] Armor class is 22 pierce, 22 bash, 17 slash, and 11 vs. magic. Affects ac by -2. Affects damroll by 2. **Siri the treasure hunter in Labirynth** Object 'heavy mining boots' is type armor, extra flags none. Weight is 13, value is 3100, level is 72. Armor class is 26 pierce, 20 bash, 22 slash, and 10 vs. magic. Affects constitution by 3. Affects strength by 3. **Bostom Anvilspar in Grillam's Tavern** Object 'pair blue slippers' is type armor, extra flags magic. Weight is 5, value is 1400, level is 79. Armor class is 15 pierce, 20 bash, 15 slash, and 21 vs. magic. Affects saves by -2. Affects dexterity by 3. Object 'soft pair boots' is type armor, extra flags hum anti-evil. Weight is 6, value is 2900, level is 80. Armor class is 24 pierce, 17 bash, 22 slash, and 8 vs. magic. Affects damage roll by 3. Affects hit roll by 3. Affects dexterity by 2. **Statue of Sham Quickblade in Temple of Heroes** Object 'blood covered boots' is type armor, extra flags magic anti-good. Weight is 8, value is 2800, level is 85. Armor class is 22 pierce, 25 bash, 21 slash, and 7 vs. magic. Affects hit roll by 6. Affects hp by 40. Affects dexterity by -1. **Statue of Surtr in Temple of Villains** [OBJECT: re-enforced leather boots] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 9] [VALUE: 1953] [LEVEL: 88] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: antineutral] Armor class is 24 pierce, 23 bash, 23 slash, and 11 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by -2. Affects ac by -10. Affects saves by -3. [OBJECT: a pair of assassin boots] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 9] [VALUE: 1800] [LEVEL: 90] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic burnproof] Armor class is 25 pierce, 28 bash, 27 slash, and 11 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by 4. Affects hp by 20. Affects hitroll by 2. **Drow assassin in Temple of Kyre**