Object 'cape weathered old' is type armor, extra flags none. Weight is 2, value is 72, level is 0. Armor class is 2 pierce, 2 bash, 2 slash, and 1 vs. magic. Affects hp by 5. Affects mana by 5. **MUD School** Object 'robe black silk' is type armor, extra flags none. Weight is 6, value is 410, level is 5. Armor class is 1 pierce, 2 bash, 1 slash, and 6 vs. magic. Affects mana by 10. Object 'cape' is type armor, extra flags none. Weight is 5, value is 730, level is 10. Armor class is 4 pierce, 6 bash, 6 slash, and 0 vs. magic. **Imperial cityguard in Old Thalos** Object 'trollskin troll skin' is type armor, extra flags none. Weight is 20, value is 1380, level is 12. Armor class is 5 pierce, 4 bash, 4 slash, and 1 vs. magic. Affects strength by 1. Object 'silvery cloak' is type armor, extra flags magic anti-evil. Weight is 3, value is 1320, level is 15. Armor class is 5 pierce, 6 bash, 7 slash, and 3 vs. magic. Affects saves by -1. **Wizard in Shire** Object 'robe brown cloth' is type armor, extra flags anti-evil. Weight is 5, value is 2300, level is 16. Armor class is 5 pierce, 5 bash, 6 slash, and 0 vs. magic. Affects mana by 10. **Druids in Druidic Pathway** Object 'robe golden' is type armor, extra flags magic anti-evil. Weight is 5, value is 3800, level is 17. Armor class is 6 pierce, 6 bash, 5 slash, and 2 vs. magic. Affects intelligence by 2. **Priestess and Jerrold mobs in New Ofcol** Object 'chameleon poncho' is type armor, extra flags magic. Weight is 4, value is 0, level is 17. Armor class is 2 pierce, 2 bash, 2 slash, and 2 vs. magic. Affects armor class by -3. Affects dexterity by 2. ****Lies in the room near a room with the Grand Mistress in High Tower**** Object 'long red cape' is type armor, extra flags glow magic. Weight is 0, value is 360, level is 18. Armor class is 5 pierce, 5 bash, 5 slash, and 2 vs. magic. Affects hit roll by 2. **Lady Chatia in Ruined Castle** Object 'finely woven mesh' is type armor, extra flags magic anti-good anti-neutral. Weight is 5, value is 380, level is 19. Armor class is 7 pierce, 6 bash, 6 slash, and 2 vs. magic. Affects hp by 5. Affects strength by 1. **Shop in Aldocar** [OBJECT: a soft brown robe] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 1275] [LEVEL: 24] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic] Armor class is 10 pierce, 8 bash, 11 slash, and 3 vs. magic. Affects constitution by 1. Affects saves by -1. Object 'cape dark black' is type armor, extra flags magic. Weight is 2, value is 100, level is 28. Armor class is 4 pierce, 4 bash, 5 slash, and 1 vs. magic. Affects mana by 25. Affects hp by 10. **Vampire guardian in Chapel** [OBJECT: a black gown] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 1000] [LEVEL: 30] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow nonmetal] Armor class is 10 pierce, 11 bash, 12 slash, and 2 vs. magic. Affects saves by -2 **Shadow of Princess Rynia - Tomb of Ancients** Object 'globe major' is type armor, extra flags glow hum magic. Weight is 1, value is 4100, level is 31. Armor class is 7 pierce, 7 bash, 10 slash, and 8 vs. magic. Affects saves by -2. [OBJECT: the Cloak of Wind] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 1100] [LEVEL: 35] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow magic] Armor class is 14 pierce, 12 bash, 13 slash, and 5 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by 2. **Shadow of King Bindara - Tomb of Ancients** Object 'leather torso' is type armor, extra flags anti-good. Weight is 5, value is 1350, level is 35. Armor class is 9 pierce, 12 bash, 12 slash, and 5 vs. magic. Affects wisdom by -1. Affects hit roll by 2. Affects dexterity by 2. **Leather golem in The Land of Incantation** [OBJECT: a cloak of dragonskin] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 1100] [LEVEL: 35] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow hum magic] Armor class is 14 pierce, 14 bash, 13 slash, and 5 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by 1. Affects ac by -2. **Shadow of King Prysan - Tomb of Ancients** [OBJECT: an elder's robe] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 0] [VALUE: 700] [LEVEL: 35] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: antievil] Armor class is 11 pierce, 11 bash, 11 slash, and 3 vs. magic. Affects intelligence by 1. Affects wisdom by 1. Affects dexterity by 1. Affects mana by 10. **Weglik Elder in Village of Wegliks** [OBJECT: blue robes of the Arcane.] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 0] [VALUE: 2980] [LEVEL: 40] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: antigood antievil] Armor class is 11 pierce, 14 bash, 10 slash, and 2 vs. magic. Affects ac by -3. Affects intelligence by 1. Affects wisdom by 1. Affects mana by 10. **Mage in training in Village of Wegliks** Object 'canonical robe' is type armor, extra flags dark anti-good. Weight is 8, value is 1760, level is 42. Armor class is 15 pierce, 13 bash, 11 slash, and 8 vs. magic. Affects mana by 40. Affects armor class by -5. **Q'erzzan in Land of Incantation** [OBJECT: a white robe] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 4] [VALUE: 1400] [LEVEL: 43] [CONDITION: decent] [FLAGS: bless] Armor class is 15 pierce, 15 bash, 11 slash, and 3 vs. magic. Affects ac by -8. **The high cleric in Baeons Tower** [OBJECT: a pelt of bearskin] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 4] [VALUE: 800] [LEVEL: 40] [CONDITION: excellent] Armor class is 12 pierce, 13 bash, 12 slash, and 2 vs. magic. Affects hitroll by 2. Affects strength by 1. Affects damroll by 1. **Gargolar (Weglik Cheif) in Village of Wegliks** Object 'unholy robes pile cloth' is type armor, extra flags evil antigood. Weight is 4, value is 940, level is 47. Armor class is 15 pierce, 16 bash, 15 slash, and 4 vs. magic. Affects mana by 75. Object 'fur cloak shimmering' is type armor, extra flags glow magic. Weight is 10, value is 1910, level is 50. Armor class is 9 pierce, 8 bash, 8 slash, and 9 vs. magic. Affects strength by 1. Affects hp by 10. Affects armor class by -6. **Draconian king in Dragon Tower** [OBJECT: a heavy black robe] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 12] [VALUE: 1900] [LEVEL: 59] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: dark] Armor class is 17 pierce, 15 bash, 17 slash, and 8 vs. magic. Affects ac by -5. Affects saves by -2. Affects intelligence by -2. **Shadow worshiper in Shadow Cult** Object 'white silk robe' is type armor, extra flags glow hum magic. Weight is 6, value is 0, level is 60. Armor class is 17 pierce, 17 bash, 19 slash, and 4 vs. magic. Affects mana by 10. Affects hp by 30. Affects wisdom by 2. **Dayhmn in Baeon's Tower** Object 'robe midnight blue' is type armor, extra flags glow magic anti-evil. Weight is 10, value is 1200, level is 60. Armor class is 16 pierce, 15 bash, 16 slash, and 5 vs. magic. Affects hp by 60. [OBJECT: robes of Flesh] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 6] [VALUE: 2000] [LEVEL: 60] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: evil antigood] Armor class is 19 pierce, 17 bash, 20 slash, and 11 vs. magic. Affects hp by 45. Affects dexterity by -4. Affects hp by 25. Affects savingspell by -3. **The Master in Ghost Town** [OBJECT: the robe of the stars] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 10] [VALUE: 1200] [LEVEL: 60] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow magic antievil] Armor class is 18 pierce, 15 bash, 15 slash, and 3 vs. magic. Affects hp by 60. **Peroch in Canopy Forest** Object 'robe midnight sky' is type armor, extra flags magic. Weight is 6, value is 2200, level is 67. Armor class is 20 pierce, 20 bash, 19 slash, and 7 vs. magic. Affects mana by 60. **Necromancer in Cemetery of Winter Past** Object 'soft white robe' is type armor, extra flags magic bless. Weight is 8, value is 1360, level is 68. Armor class is 18 pierce, 21 bash, 15 slash, and 9 vs. magic. Affects intelligence by 1. Affects damage roll by 2. Object 'long white robe' is type armor, extra flags antievil antineutral. Weight is 9, value is 1360, level is 68. Armor class is 18 pierce, 17 bash, 16 slash, and 6 vs. magic. Affects hp by 40. Affects mana by 40. Affects hitroll by -1. Affects damroll by -1. **High priest in Baeon's Cathedral** Object 'dark black robe' is type armor, extra flags magic. Weight is 7, value is 2300, level is 70. Armor class is 22 pierce, 22 bash, 18 slash, and 9 vs. magic. Affects armor class by -10. Affects mana by 25. **Cleric in Temple of Kyre** Object 'bright green robe' is type armor, extra flags magic. Weight is 8, value is 0, level is 72. Armor class is 20 pierce, 20 bash, 20 slash, and 19 vs. magic. Affects mana by 40. Affects hit roll by 2. [OBJECT: a long, flowing cloak] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 6] [VALUE: 1480] [LEVEL: 74] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic] Armor class is 25 pierce, 22 bash, 24 slash, and 6 vs. magic. Affects damroll by 2. Affects hitroll by 2. Affects dexterity by 2. **Baron Polick in Revelton** Object 'cloak threaded silver' is type armor, extra flags magic. Weight is 6, value is 2400, level is 75. Armor class is 21 pierce, 18 bash, 21 slash, and 12 vs. magic. Affects damage roll by 3. Affects saves by -1. **Lord Zolick in Revelton** Object 'radiating magical aura' is type armor, extra flags glow magic anti-evil. Weight is 8, value is 2800, level is 85. Armor class is 21 pierce, 17 bash, 18 slash, and 28 vs. magic. Affects saves by -2. Affects mana by 50. **Statue of Snogg in Temple of Heroes** Object 'aura trapped souls writhing' is type armor, extra flags dark magic anti-good. Weight is 15, value is 3200, level is 90. Armor class is 25 pierce, 24 bash, 24 slash, and 15 vs. magic. Affects wisdom by 2. Affects armor class by -3. **Statue of Ragnok the Butcher in Temple of Villains** [OBJECT: a tattered, black robe] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 12] [VALUE: 1800] [LEVEL: 95] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: dark noremove] Armor class is 13 pierce, 18 bash, 19 slash, and 27 vs. magic. Affects ac by -10. Affects mana by 71. **Lich in Cursed Fields** Object 'ox-skin vest' is type armor, extra flags magic anti-evil burn_proof. Weight is 20, value is 2400, level is 96. Armor class is 24 pierce, 27 bash, 29 slash, and 6 vs. magic. Affects mana by 30. Affects saves by -2. Affects hit roll by 5. **Vasorel in Sithrang's Lair** [OBJECT: cloak of stealth] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 2] [VALUE: 1960] [LEVEL: 98] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: bless nonmetal] Armor class is 28 pierce, 29 bash, 25 slash, and 8 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by 2. Affects saves by -2. Affects hitroll by 4. Affects damroll by 2.