Object 'sleeves iron plated' is type armor, extra flags none. Weight is 2, value is 72, level is 0. Armor class is 1 pierce, 2 bash, 2 slash, and 0 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by 1. Affects intelligence by 1. Affects wisdom by 1. **MUD School** Object 'drow commoner sleeves' is type armor, extra flags anti-good. Weight is 6, value is 790, level is 15. Armor class is 5 pierce, 5 bash, 6 slash, and 1 vs. magic. Affects hit roll by 1. **Drow commoner in Aldocar** Object 'greaves steel' is type armor, extra flags none. Weight is 7, value is 1050, level is 15. Armor class is 7 pierce, 6 bash, 6 slash, and 0 vs. magic. **Minotaur guard in Mahn-Tor** Object 'sleeves brass' is type armor, extra flags magic. Weight is 2, value is 600, level is 19. Armor class is 6 pierce, 6 bash, 6 slash, and 3 vs. magic. Affects saves by -1. Affects hp by 5. **Ofcol cityguard or Jacklyn in New Ofcol** [OBJECT: adamantite sleeves] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 3] [VALUE: 975] [LEVEL: 19] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow antigood burnproof] Armor class is 7 pierce, 7 bash, 6 slash, and 3 vs. magic. Affects saves by -1. Affects hp by 5. **Drow guard in Aldocar** Object 'vambraces red steel' is type armor, extra flags none. Weight is 8, value is 1450, level is 20. Armor class is 6 pierce, 7 bash, 6 slash, and 1 vs. magic. **Minotaur Royal guard in Mahn-Tor** Object 'sleeves splint' is type armor, extra flags none. Weight is 5, value is 1450, level is 20. Armor class is 6 pierce, 6 bash, 5 slash, and 2 vs. magic. **Githyanki protector in Astral or Midgaard shop** Object 'sleeves silver' is type armor, extra flags magic anti-evil. Weight is 3, value is 2400, level is 25. Armor class is 9 pierce, 8 bash, 7 slash, and 1 vs. magic. Affects mana by 5. Affects hit roll by 1. **Jacklyn and Derrick in New Ofcol** Object 'sleeves dragon scale' is type armor, extra flags burn_proof. Weight is 4, value is 1590, level is 25. Armor class is 9 pierce, 7 bash, 8 slash, and 6 vs. magic. Affects damage roll by 3. **Dragon master in Dragon Tower** Object 'sleeves mithril' is type armor, extra flags magic anti-evil. Weight is 2, value is 800, level is 25. Armor class is 9 pierce, 9 bash, 9 slash, and 4 vs. magic. Affects damage roll by 1. Affects hit roll by 1. **Stone golem in Thalos** [OBJECT: weglik guard sleeves] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 1] [VALUE: 1920] [LEVEL: 27] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: antievil] Armor class is 8 pierce, 9 bash, 9 slash, and 2 vs. magic. Affects damroll by 2. Affects hitroll by 1. **Weglik guards in Village of Wegliks** [OBJECT: red dragon arm guards] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 40] [VALUE: 1850] [LEVEL: 29] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic antigood] Armor class is 8 pierce, 8 bash, 9 slash, and 4 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by -1. Affects damroll by 2. **Red Dragon in Sewers** Object 'sleeves platinum' is type armor, extra flags magic anti-evil. Weight is 3, value is 1000, level is 30. Armor class is 11 pierce, 12 bash, 12 slash, and 4 vs. magic. Affects hp by 10. Affects strength by 2. **Diana in New ofcol** [OBJECT: chainmail sleeves] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 13] [VALUE: 2370] [LEVEL: 35] [CONDITION: excellent] Armor class is 11 pierce, 12 bash, 12 slash, and 5 vs. magic. Affects strength by 3. **Can be bought in Merchant's Fair** Object 'steel enameled sleeves' is type armor, extra flags none. Weight is 5, value is 1350, level is 35. Armor class is 13 pierce, 10 bash, 10 slash, and 2 vs. magic. **Quarterstaff watcher in Quarterstaff** [OBJECT: emerald sleeves] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 7] [VALUE: 2300] [LEVEL: 42] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow antigood] Armor class is 11 pierce, 12 bash, 13 slash, and 9 vs. magic. Affects damroll by 2. Affects hitroll by 1. **Emerald Golem in Land of Incantation** Object 'sleeves desert eve' is type armor, extra flags magic. Weight is 6, value is 0, level is 61. Armor class is 17 pierce, 14 bash, 17 slash, and 7 vs. magic. Affects hit roll by 5. **Crypt ghost in Cemetery of Winter Past** [OBJECT: the overlapping scales of a desert scorpion] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 12] [VALUE: 2039] [LEVEL: 61] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: glow antigood antievil burnproof] Armor class is 18 pierce, 17 bash, 16 slash, and 7 vs. magic. Affects hp by 13. Affects strength by 3. **Greater Djinn in Realm of Djinnin** [OBJECT: a pair of Claymont Guard armplates] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 5] [VALUE: 1240] [LEVEL: 62] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: bless] Armor class is 16 pierce, 18 bash, 17 slash, and 4 vs. magic. Affects strength by 1. Affects dexterity by 1. Affects ac by -3. [OBJECT: a set of iron studded sleeves] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 8] [VALUE: 1500] [LEVEL: 74] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: magic] Armor class is 20 pierce, 21 bash, 20 slash, and 3 vs. magic. Affects dexterity by -1. Affects damroll by 4. Affects strength by 3. **Baron Polick in Revelton** Object 'set black runed armplates plates' is type armor, extra flags evil magic anti-good. Weight is 8, value is 2600, level is 80. Armor class is 25 pierce, 17 bash, 21 slash, and 9 vs. magic. Affects damage roll by 6. Affects save vs spell by -2. **Statue of Hoichiro in Temple of Villains** [OBJECT: sleeves of Virtue] [TYPE: armor] [WEIGHT: 9] [VALUE: 3300] [LEVEL: 87] [CONDITION: excellent] [FLAGS: hum magic antievil] Armor class is 28 pierce, 22 bash, 27 slash, and 10 vs. magic. Affects savingbreath by -5. Affects damroll by 4. **Statue of Mushishi in Temple of Heroes**